£ 2 million
Next Draw: Wed 22/01/2025
Time left to play
Rituals and superstitious behavior
Many people who play the lottery adopt superstitious behavior. They might not admit to it, but a lot of people have small rituals surrounding their game. Following are a few of these beliefs, which might give you an edge the next time you play the National Lotto.
The National Lottery’s logo is crossed fingers which also look like a smiling face. Crossing fingers is believed to have originated in the Christian cross and should bring good luck.
Another classic behaviour is knocking on wood while filling out your lottery numbers. It was a common belief that spirits inhabited the trees and the knocking would wake them up to work in your favour.
Chinese tradition has it that the red color scares the evil spirits, so it can’t hurt to wear an article of red clothing while filling out your Lotto ticket. Another Chinese belief has to do with even and odd numbers. The even numbers are believed to belong to human beings while the odds belong to the gods. In order to keep the gods happy, you should have a mix of odds and evens.
Live in the Now!
Looking for more tips on how to pick your winning National Lotto numbers? Keep your eyes on the numbers that surround you all the time. Check the time when you fill your play slip and use those numbers. Try playing your blood pressure numbers. Ask a ‘lucky bride’ to pick numbers on her wedding day. Or just pick the numbers that come up in your fortune cookie.